The journal "Vestnik of Astrakhan state technical university" was founded in 1993. The first issues of the journal (they were called "Vestnik of Astrakhan state technical Institute of the Fishing Industry") were printed in Moscow, at the VNIRO printing house, the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography. But already in 1996, the next issue of the Bulletin was fully prepared in the publishing department of ASTU. The scientific management of the journal was carried out by the vice-rector for science, Dr. S.-kh. sciences, prof. Vyacheslav Fedorovich Zaitsev.

Since 1997, in the framework of the Vestnik ASTU journal, separate thematic series have been produced:

  • Automation and applied issues of mathematics and physics;

  • Humanitarian sciences;

  • Mechanics;

  • Marine engineering and technology;

  • Fishing Industry;

  • Telecommunications, new information technologies and communications;

  • Chemistry and chemical technology;

  • Ecology;

  • Economy.

From 2002 to 2018 The chief editor of the "Vestnik ASTU" journal was the vice-rector for science and innovative work of the ASTU Dr. Chem. sciences, prof. Nadezhda Titovna Berberova.

Since 2019, he has been managing the journal "Vestnik ASTU" Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of the ASTU, Dr. tech. sciences, associate professor Yuriy Aleksandrovich Maksimenko.

In 2004 journal "Vestnik ASTU" was registered as a mass media outlet in the Lower Volga Interregional Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Press, Broadcasting and Mass Media. Issues of the journal became regular and began to be published six times a year. The thematic focus of each issue was preserved: for example, the first issue of the journal has always been devoted to problems of automation and information technology, the second to problems of mechanics, marine engineering, etc.

In June 2005, the journal was included in the HAC List, and in February 2006, the editors of the scientific journal "Vestnik ASTU"were created. The priorities in the development of the journal were: strengthening the institute of scientific peer-review, improving the quality of articles, popularizing the journal in the Russian scientific community.

In 2009, it was decided to register new series of the Bulletin. The newly created series essentially continued the existing traditions, supporting the most important scientific areas for a technical university. Each series was headed by a prominent specialist in his field, forming his own scientific school.


Series: Marine engineering and technologies
Editor-in-Chief – Dr. Tech. sciences, prof.
Konstantin Nikolaevich Sakhno


Series: Fishing industry
Editor-in-Chief – Dr. Biol. sciences, prof.
Alexander Nikolaevich Nevalenny


Series: Management, computer science and informatics
Editor-in-Chief – Dr. Tech. sciences, prof.
Irina Yuryevna Kvyatkovskaya


Series: Economics
Editor-in-Chief – Dr. Econ. sciences, prof.
Elena Prokofievna Karlina


At present, the editors publish five independent scientific journals, four of them are included in the current List of Higher Attestation Commission. Periodicals are distributed by subscription, their electronic versions are available on the website of the Technical University (see. "Journals") and in the database of the Scientific Electronic Library.

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