Перечень рецензируемых научных изданий ВАК разделен на категории (К1-К3): Вестник АГТУ в числе лидеров
The Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) recognized the publication of the Astrakhan State Technical University, the first issue of which was published in 1993, as the all-Russian leader in each of its four main series.
On Wednesday, December 07, the Higher Attestation Commission approved a list of scientific journals, publications in which are mandatory for the defense of dissertations of candidates for the degrees of candidate and Doctor of Sciences. The recommended publications are divided into 3 categories, depending on the demand / popularity in the modern scientific community, the main factor for attribution to a particular category was the citation index. 662 editions were assigned to the highest square (K1), 1.3 thousand to the average (K2), and the remaining 625 to K3. One of the important innovations is that publication in international databases has ceased to be mandatory (we are talking about Web of Science, Scopus, MathSciNet, PubMed, AstroPhysics, Chemical Abstracts databases) when evaluating the results of research activities.
According to the new requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission approved on the basis of this list, graduate students in biological, geographical, physical, mathematical and chemical branches of science need to publish at least two articles, one of which is in publications of category K1 or K2 or in RSCI. In the humanities and other sciences — three and two articles, respectively, without taking into account new categories. Applicants for the degree of Doctor of Humanities must publish at least 15 articles. For other branches of science — at least ten materials. An important condition is that out of this number, 5 articles must be published in journals of the first and second square or indexed by the Russian Science Citation Index (developed by the Russian Academy of Sciences).
The bulletin of the Astrakhan State Technical University (the series "Economics", "Management, Computer Science and Informatics", "Marine Engineering and Technologies") are the only ones in the region and among the publications of Rosrybolovstvo universities entered the first square K1, and the series "Fishing Industry" entered the second square K2 and consists of the RSCI base whose articles will be equated to publications in journals assigned to K1 of the list of the Higher Attestation Commission. This indicates an unconditional recognition of the quality of research papers, the results of which are published there, and the high level of experts involved in reviewing