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Abstract (English):
The article considers the problem of ensuring economic security. The levels of economic security management are identified and their brief characteristics are given. New restrictions against resource companies from the Russian Federation, intensive import substitution policy, a need to develop the national production are strategic factors in ensuring the economic security of all levels of the economic system and food security of the country. Taking into account the structural features of the sectoral systems and the current challenges of the political and economic situation, the assessment of effectiveness of the economic security system of industrial enterprises at the meso-level is of particular importance. A theoretical review of scientific sources in the relevant field of scientific research was conducted, the results of functioning of the fishing industry were analyzed, according to the key economic indicators, the sectoral problems and factors contributing to the improvement of the economic security of the industrial complex were identified. The results of the fishing industry functioning are being studied, the development of the economy of the fishing industry is defined as a priority for the national economy. Considering the indicators characterizing the economic security of the fishing industry of Primorsky Kray, the heterogeneity of its development is revealed. The problems hindering its development are listed. Negative dynamics of the indicators could be applied to judge serious deficiencies in the management of the fishing industry influenced by the objective and subjective factors. It has been inferred that it is necessary to develop a system of measures strengthening the socio-economic development of the fishing industry in order to prevent the external and internal threats and financial risks.

security, economic security, management, risks, assessment, meso-level, methodology
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