Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the social indicators which are increasingly becoming the subject of modern research as a condition and result of the development of modern socio-economic systems. Many researches emphasize the importance of analyzing the municipal level of the economy from the standpoint of maximum proximity to the population. The identification of cause-and-effect relationships of production and social processes at the level of municipalities has been stressed. They act as mediators between the macro dimensions of the social order and the micro reality of everyday life, allowing to measure the effectiveness of current socio-economic policies. According to the regulations of the recurrent approach, the system of indicators of the social cycle is verified at the level of municipal economic systems with a stepwise characteristic of their dynamics. The indicators are systematized into three groups: 1) borderline economic and social indicators; 2) indicators characterizing social processes; 3) resulting indicators that form the potential for further economic development of the municipal economic systems. The analysis of seven indicators of the dynamics of social processes in 22 industrialized municipalities in the period from 2005 to 2018 allowed to distinguish three groups of territories: territories-leaders; territories with average values; territories-outsiders. Each group of regions has basic trends that determine the dominant vector of development, cause-and-effect relationships between the groups characterizing the dynamics of the social cycle. It is stated that the identified dependencies can become the basis for the development of a management model of counter-cyclical social development of municipal socio-economic systems for the formation of conditions for further shifts in the information, innovation, technology and production cycles as components of the modern macroeconomic cycle.

social processes, social cycle, phases of social cycle, industrial type of economy, statistical analysis, municipal economy, grouping
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