GRNTI 45.01 Общие вопросы электротехники
GRNTI 55.42 Двигателестроение
GRNTI 55.45 Судостроение
GRNTI 73.34 Водный транспорт
GRNTI 44.31 Теплоэнергетика. Теплотехника
The influence of the moment of inertia of the propeller screw on the natural frequency and the mode of the lateral vibrations of shaft lines of the vessels under the influence of the variable component of the hydrodynamic torque is studied. Typically, the study of oscillations of the systems with the concentrated loads covers only their weight, but not the moment of inertia of load weight, i.e. weight of the loads is considered spot. However, for the large size of cargoes their moment of inertia can significantly affect the value of the inertial loads generated in the oscillating system, and accordingly on its natural frequency. The stern part of the propeller shaft as having the lowest natural frequency, comprising a console with the propeller and stern span is considered. The part of the propeller shaft is modeled with a beam of constant cross section, based on the elastic support of unilateral action with rigidity C . As in the process of vibration detachment of the beam from the support is possible, the end bearing is considered build in. The solution takes into account the mass of the shaft, as well as the mass and the moment of inertia of the propeller mass. Solution of the problem is obtained using the Fourier method and the method of initial parameters Cauchy and allows to consider the mass and the moment of inertia of the propeller mass attached mass of water, stern shaft bearing compliance. For the given parameters of the propeller shaft, the obtained solution helps determine the natural frequency of the shaft, at a given speed of rotation - mode of vibrations and dynamic loading of the shaft. The numerical experiment for shafting of the particular fishing vessel is made; it showed that the combined influence of compliance of the stern shaft bearing and the moment of inertia of the propeller can exceed 20 %.
propeller shaft, lateral vibrations, natural frequency, modes of vibrations, compliance of support
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