Stepanets Viktoriya Evgen'evna

Academic degree
candidate of technical sciences (speciality - VAC 05.22.19 Эксплуатация водного транспорта, судовождение)
Science rang
  1. Far Eastern Institute of Communications , Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor; Head of the Department of Transport Management ,
  2. Private Educational Establishment of Higher Education «Far Eastern Institute of Communications» (FEIC) , Inzhenerno-tehnicheskiy fakul'tet, kafedra «Upravlenie transportnymi sredstvami» , zaveduyuschiy kafedroy ,
  3. Private Educational Estab-lishment of Higher Education «Far Eastern Institute of Communications» (FEIC) , Head of the management transport department, faculty of engineering and technology , Head of department ,
Vladivostok, Vladivostok, Russian Federation
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