Success of the industrial methods of fish farming depends primarily on the quality and balance of the combined feeds used. The results of a study of the effectiveness of the use of a flavonoid antioxidant, dihydroquercetin, and an assessment of the synergistic effect of this antioxidant in combination with the immunostimulant arabinogalactan and vitamin E are presented. To evaluate the effectiveness of dihydroquercetin in fish diets, two series of experiments were carried out. The research results showed that the best growth rates are owed to the addition of a complex of biologically active substances – dihydroquercetin in combination with vitamin E. The growth increased by 37.0-46.0%, and the fatness coefficient according to Fulton was 0.07 units, then as in the fish of the control group, the indicator did not exceed 0.04 units. When using an antioxidant in combination with vitamin E, the average weight of fish in the control group increased by 18.0%, while in the experimental variants this figure increased by 30.0-31.0%. Fatness coefficient according to Fulton in fish of the control group was 0.04 units, and when the diet was enriched with complexes of antioxidant additives, it was 0.07 units. The indicators of energy metabolism also indicate a better accumulation of plastic substances in the fish of the experimental groups: ESR 1.92 ± 0.30 mm/h and 1.83 ± 0.27 mm/h, the level of total protein is significantly (p ≤ 0.01) lower values of the control group (test 1 with di-hydroquercetin – 25.70 ± 2.9 and test 2 with dihydroquercetin and arabinogalactan – 23.38 ± 0.90 g/l), and the choles-terol level is lower by 11.5-24.1%. Thus, it can be inferred that the complex of antioxidants provided more favorable trophic and biochemical conditions necessary, in particular, for the normal growth and development of fish. The results obtained in the course of the research can serve as a basis for improving the technologies for the production of mixed feed when raising fish on an intensive basis.
dihydroquercetin, arabinogalactan, antioxidant, vitamin E, immunostimulant, tilapia, aquaculture, feeding, growth
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