Russian Federation
Aksai, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The corporate environment currently focused on the inclusive workflow, involves bringing together employees from different countries to achieve a common organizational goal. Difficulties that arise in the process of achieving it may be due to a lack of sufficient experience or, on the contrary, past experience interferes with making a decision. To overcome such problems, it is important to develop a decision support system, a team deci-sion support tool and an information system for managers. The information security of the decision-making system is carried out by modeling the security elements of the system that analyze the integrity of information in the process of its operation. Information security modeling is based on information security methods based on ungrouping and creating subsystems with heterogeneous data. This method is provided by a graph and hypograph implementation, which can be converted to a matrix form. For the conceptual apparatus there are used the rules in the form “If A, then B” and their analogues. The model of functioning the decision-making system based on the multi-agent approach is described. The results obtained can be used in the creation of simulators and decision-making systems themselves in various subject areas. By separating data flows into computational and executive ones, data types are distinguished and better modeling of the entire system is carried out. The solution of the problem of maximum fulfillment of the goals set for the decision-making system can be implemented by modified network methods, such as Markov nets, Petri nets, etc.
decision making, physical layer, information layer, element, computational function, executive function
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