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Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the concept and main directions of small business in the Russian Federation. In the framework of innovation support directions, direct and indirect methods of stimulating the industry have been identified. The results of financing small businesses in 2018 are presented. The study reflects the features of the regulatory framework in the field of state regulation of small innovative business. Some changes in fiscal policy since 2019 have been noted. The De-crees of the RF Government “Strategy for Small Enterprises in Russian Federation for the period up to 2030” and “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” are the fundamental regulatory documents in the field of improving the support of small innovative businesses. Creating and operation of business incubators, coworking centers and cooperation with universities were highlighted as available forms of support. The experience of foreign countries testifies to the attention of the private sector as a source of support for small businesses. Foreign structures for promoting the development of small business innovative activities are presented, such as Small Business Financing Corporation in Japan, Federation of Industrial Research Associations in Germany, Technological Innovation Fund in Italy, National Agency for the Implementation of Research Results in France, etc. Based on the results of the analysis, principles and measures have been developed to improve the activities of state bodies in developing tools for state support of small innovation entrepreneurship. It is proposed to analyze the events in the context of three constituent elements: methodological, regulatory and functional resource blocks. The proposed system for developing state support tools for small innovative businesses covers all levels of government: federal, regional and municipal.

innovative activity, small business, state support, regional level, federal authorities
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