Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
VAC 05.13.01 Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации (по отраслям)
VAC 05.13.06 Автоматизация и управление технологическими процессами и производствами (по отраслям)
VAC 05.13.10 Управление в социальных и экономических системах
VAC 05.13.18 Математическое моделирование, численные методы и комплексы программ
VAC 05.13.19 Методы и системы защиты информации, информационная безопасность
UDK 621.395.74
GRNTI 20.01 Общие вопросы информатики
GRNTI 28.01 Общие вопросы кибернетики
GRNTI 49.01 Общие вопросы связи
GRNTI 50.01 Общие вопросы автоматики и вычислительной техники
GRNTI 82.01 Общие вопросы организации и управления
The main objective in improving optical communication systems, which are widely developed nowadays, is a solution of the problem of operation speed of the entire commutation system, which is limited by quick action of the outer elements of the management system. There have been presented the structure and algorithm of a radically new commutation system based on the 4x4 optical switch operation. The specific feature of the switch operation is the lack of external control over switching process. The operation principle of the main element of the 4×4 optical switch - an optical switching element - has been considered. The switching element is a photonic crystal consisting of a layer of metamaterial, a dielectric substance and ferrite films. The results of the numerical simulation of the switch are presented. The analysis of results allows to infer that the proposed switch can be used in modern communication systems.
optical switch, Bragg filter, frequency detector, buffer device, switching element, metamaterial, ferrite films
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