GRNTI 34.39 Физиология человека и животных
GRNTI 62.13 Биотехнологические процессы и аппараты
GRNTI 69.01 Общие вопросы рыбного хозяйства
GRNTI 69.25 Аквакультура. Рыбоводство
GRNTI 69.31 Промышленное рыболовство
GRNTI 69.51 Технология переработки сырья водного происхождения
GRNTI 87.19 Загрязнение и охрана вод суши, морей и океанов
Ide Leuciscus idus (Linnaeus, 1758) belongs to Cyprinidae family and is used in commercial and recreational fishing. Ide is an intermediate host of Opisthorchis felineus . In the control catches (summer 2015, the Lower Irtysh, Uvatsky, Tobolsky and Vagaysky regions of Tyumenskaya Oblast’) there were observed species with lengths 11.9-38.1 cm, with a total weight 45-1085 g. Some species aged 9 years old and even older. The maximum rate of linear growth was registered in ide species younger than 3 years old, at this age annual growth made 5 cm. The annual growth of four-year-old females made 5.4 cm, males - 2.8 cm. Females aged 3+ exceeded males in body weight and length. Species at the age 1+…2+ years old added 204.6% in their mass; at the age 2+…3+ years old - 65.3%, at 3+…4+ years old - 29.4%. Gender and gonad maturity were determined in species older than 2+, but not in all species. Among females aged 2+…4+ there were found species with I and II stage of gonad maturity. Females aged 5+ were spawned-out species having VI-II stage of gonad maturity (48%); female species aged 6+ having IV stage of gonad maturity made 33.4%. Among males in the age groups of 2+ and 3+ there were registered species with I stage (38.5 and 20%, respectively) and II stage (61.5 and 80%, respectively) of maturation only. Fatness degree of studied species ranged from 0 to 5. Species aged 2+ had I stage (24% species); in the aged groups the proportion of such species decreased (5+ years old - 7.8%; 6+ years old - 12.1%; 8+ years old - 5.9%); species aged 2-7 had II stage of fatness; proportion of older species also decreased. Species with III and IV stage of fatness were found more often (III stage was observed in 100% of the fish species at the age of 1+). Proportion of species with V stage was minor, it increased with age. According to the analysis of the study results, nutritive base in the basin is found satisfactory for ide growth and development.
ide, weight-linear characteristics, the Lower Irtysh, aborigine, somatic growth, gonads, fatness
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