GRNTI 34.39 Физиология человека и животных
GRNTI 62.13 Биотехнологические процессы и аппараты
GRNTI 69.01 Общие вопросы рыбного хозяйства
GRNTI 69.25 Аквакультура. Рыбоводство
GRNTI 69.31 Промышленное рыболовство
GRNTI 69.51 Технология переработки сырья водного происхождения
GRNTI 87.19 Загрязнение и охрана вод суши, морей и океанов
The species composition, quantitative indicators of the zoobenthos of the native riverbed of the Volga River were determined. The percentage ratio of number and biomass of the main groups of the benthos has been calculated. Malacostracans (class Crustacea ) were the dominant group of zoobenthos, insects (class Insecta ) were subdominant. The greatest quantitative indicators were conditioned by the active development of crustaceans and mollusks in 2011 and 2013. The analysis of oil products content in the water and bottom sediments of the studied watercourse has been done. The increase of the concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons by the average annual values occurred simultaneously with the increase in the number of organisms of benthic fauna. The picture of the spatial distribution was characterized by coincidence of the areas with the elevated levels of petroleum hydrocarbons and quantitative characteristics of the benthos (near villages Zamyany, Nikolskoe). To estimate the intensity of the transition of oil products from the water column into the bottom sediments, using the calculated coefficient of the bottom accumulation, revealed its increase in 2012, which led to the reduction of density and biomass of zoobenthos. The presence of petroleum hydrocarbons in water, in conditions of intensive accumulation of these substances in the bottom sediments, does not have impact on the benthos. Pollution of bottom sediment positively correlates with the number of benthic organisms, and this link is weakened in case of difficult transition of toxins into soils. As a result of the statistical analysis, the presence of relations of different force and direction has been identified after the modernization of data between the investigated parameters. As a result of the researches, it is established that the influence of oil pollution of the water environment on the species composition and quantitative characteristics of the zoobenthos in the conditions of weakening the accumulation of oil products in soils can be negative. Petroleum hydrocarbons can contribute to the growth of benthic organisms in conditions of the moderate pollution of the bottom sediments.
zoobenthos, petroleum hydrocarbons, bottom sediments, species composition, value of the number, amount of biomass, dynamics, space distribution, intensity, dependence
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