Russian Federation
GRNTI 45.01 Общие вопросы электротехники
GRNTI 55.42 Двигателестроение
GRNTI 55.45 Судостроение
GRNTI 73.34 Водный транспорт
GRNTI 44.31 Теплоэнергетика. Теплотехника
Forecasting the process of interaction of the platform - offshore system includes calculations of the base stability. The process of immersing the supports of Jack-up drilling rigs into the bottom ground is accompanied by developing areas of plastic deformation, ground flowing, compaction zones and decomposition zones. This causes significant changes in soil parameters. In the context of this task, it is necessary to ensure the reliability of determining strength characteristics of the underlying grounds of bottom sediments at any given time. For this purpose, it is proposed to carry out geotechnical monitoring of the base of Jack-up using geophysical methods. The application of the geophysical method makes it possible to quickly perform predictive calculations based on actual information. According to the results of geomonitoring, it is possible to fulfil calculations reflecting the actual state of the soils underlying the platform. The interpretation of the results obtained is influenced by the multifactorial nature of the changes in the reflected signal. The environment under study in this case can be considered as a determinate system, which makes it possible to apply asymptotic methods for further research.
jack-up drilling rig, offshore, stability, geotechnical monitoring, asymptotic method
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