07396nam#a2200553#i#450# 717 20240425141432.4 20170907d2017####ek#y0engy0150####ca 978-5-16-012264-9 RUS xxu Fyedotova, Marina Финансовый университет при правительстве РФ Tazikhina, Tatyana Viktorovna Финансовый университет при правительстве РФ Sinogeykina, Ekaterina Финансовый университет при правительстве РФ Shcherbakova, Olga Финансовый университет при правительстве РФ Nadezhdina, Yana Финансовый университет при правительстве РФ Tazikhina, Yuliya Финансовый университет при правительстве РФ Valuation of collateral objects in an unstable economy: problems and solutions Monography Moscow INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC. 2017 196 p. The book is well-known experts on the valuation and corporate finance deals with one of the most urgent, but at the same time, the least-developed aspects of corporate finance and valuation - improvement of collateral items evaluation mechanism in an unstable economy. Of particular relevance This problem is in crisis. The authors not only help financiers to more deeply understand the essence, content and principles functioning of the mechanism for assessing the value of collateral, especially his actions in an unstable economy, but also reveal the nuances of foreign and domestic experience of the collateral the bank´s services and independent appraisers to identify and monitor the value of collateral. In the book the authors substantiated proposals on improving the valuation of the collateral items of different classification groups, as well as to optimize the system of interaction between commercial banks and independent appraisers. The work is based on extensive practical material and personal professional experience of the authors. The book is intended for appraisers value the collateral service employees of commercial banks, undergraduate and graduate students, post-graduate and doctoral students, faculty, financial and economic institutions. 10.12737/21416 Artemenkov I. L. 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